The Quiz

Ketan Ghatode and I can now safely claim to be quizomaniacs. We are in fact mad about quizzes. It is rare for two people to have so much as a passion for playing quizzes in common. It is a thread that now binds us together and runs through our lives.
I started out on quizzing from my school days. I was a part of two separate teams which won the first and third prizes in two years. Then came the big event. While I was still in school, in the ninth grade, I participated in a quiz conducted by Viswesraya National Institute of Technology. My team-mate was my buddy of all weathers, Abhishek Shiwalkar. We realised the magnitude and scale of the competition after we actually won it.
This entire hardcore quizzing thing took a backseat during my junior college studies. Not that I was 'engrossed' in studies, I just lost perspective. And with it I also lost my G.K.
It took quite a while to get back on track. I was lucky to have a partner like Ketan Ghatode. We thought we were invincible until our first and incidentally the last 'Literary Society Quiz'. Getting disqualified in the first round was an eye-opener. It also helped me understand that like music, quizzes have their own genres.
Then we participated in a few more quiz contests and did fairly well, considering my poor preparation levels at that point of time. We got to the finals on all the occasions and even managed to get the runner up position on one occasion. But that did not please us. We were the invincibles, remember?
From then on we have kept on participating and losing to better teams, securing the runner-up or second runner-up spots on almost all occasions. But we have not given up our dream of winning. We still want to be the invincibles. What keeps us going is not the lure of the prize money (as there is hardly any at college level) but the joy of quizzing.
There is a saying in Marathi- chhand maza vegala, anand maza vegala. My hobby is different so my joy different. Three cheers to Quizzers all over and thums up to my friends Abhishek and Ketan.


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